Customer testimonials

Spike the Hunter! picture

Spike the Hunter!

We live on a farm and the dogs are constantly hunting bugs and lizards on the rocks behind the house. It was during such a hunt that Spike hurt his leg. I started using Bitter Aloe Gel on the wound once a day. I had to hold him until the gel was absorbed properly because he licked it off. After a few weeks, I applied Super Aloe Gel  in the morning, and Bitter Aloe Gel in the evening. Unfortunately, he then injured himself a few more times during his "hunting" adventures, so the recovery process took a little longer. However, despite the new injuries, the wound healed and the hair grew back. The first photo was taken on June 11, 2022, and the last one on September 28, 2022 – Danielia

Eczema Testimonial picture

Eczema Testimonial

Sarie Kotzee (Aloe Ferox distributor since 2000): One of my clients developed eczema over her entire body. Her scalp was also severely affected, which inevitably led to hair loss.  Thanks to many years of experience as an Aloe Ferox distributor and the weekly Aloe ferox online courses, I confidently recommended that she use SHAMPOO ANTI-DANDRUFF, followed by SUPER ALOE GEL applying it directly to her scalp and then combing it through her hair. There was noticeable improvement within a few days, and after 4 months there is no trace of hair loss.

Skin Cancer Testimonial picture

Skin Cancer Testimonial

Mrs Haines (Blythedale) struggled with a skin cancer sore on her leg for about 8 years. Nothing that she tried could heal the sore. An Aloe Ferox distributor suggested that she applies a mixture of FEROX GEL and BITTER ALOE GEL. The wound healed completely after 2 months of dedicated application. She highly recommends the aloe products to her family and friends.

*The before photo was taken after the wound started healing.

Skin Condition Testimonial picture

Skin Condition Testimonial

I used an expensive ointment to treat the sores on my forehead for 2 months, unfortunately there wasn't any improvement. In fact, the condition worsened and I felt desperate for relief! On 16 July I visited the Aloe Ferox shop in Albertinia. They suggested BITTER ALOE GEL and I immediately started using it. There was a noticeable improvement after 3 days.

The wounds on my forehead completely healed after only 10 days, as can be seen on the after photo.

Skin Condition (Horse) Testimonial picture

Skin Condition (Horse) Testimonial

Leandra writes that her horse was afflicted with a genetic skin condition common to Fresian horses. She diligently applied BITTER ALOE GEL to the affected areas over a period of 3 months - with amazing results! The before and after photos testify to the relief that the poor horse experienced. BITTER ALOE GEL can be used on animals and humans alike and will benefit mostly all skin conditions.

Burn Wound Testimonial picture

Burn Wound Testimonial

On October 19, 2018, Aloe Ferox received an urgent telephone call from an Aloe Ferox distributor in Paarl. A 9-year-old girl accidentally overturned a saucepan of steaming hot food.  Although she tried to prevent the accident, the pot unfortunately overturned on the child. The girl sustained severe burns to her neck. Aloe Frox sent 3 tubes of SUPER ALOE GEL with the express courier and it was used very faithfully. The wounds recovered incredibly fast as can b e seen in the photo. On November 1, less than 2 weeks later, there were no signs of the burn wounds, only the discoloration of the skin where the wounds were.

Abrasion Testimonial picture

Abrasion Testimonial

Blayne Muller (14) was involved in a vehicle accident and subsequently thrown from the vehicle. He suffered severe abrasions while sliding over grass and gravel. An Aloe Ferox distributor introduced him to the wound healing properties of the aloe in the Aloe Ferox products. He started by daily applying BITTER ALOE GEL to the infected areas and SUPER ALOE GEL to the remainder of the wounds. The outstanding wound healing and drastic skin improvement was documented over a 3-week period.

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